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Lion's Pride Gymnastics Funding Policy

Lion's Pride accepts all funding towards classes and camps. It is your responsibility to apply for funding early and inform the office of your application. You are required to have fees up to date at the beginning of each month.  If you have not yet received funding for the month and we have not received a confirmation letter that you have been approved, you will be required to pay the fees and we will reimburse you when the funding is received.  You may choose to waitlist your child until funding arrives.

Organizations may require Lion's Pride contact information: Tracy Callahan-Manager 250-383-3547  & we are affilitated with Gymnastics BC

You can contact us for your child's total year fees.

Gymnastics funding

Langford Sport Assist

SportAssist is a Langford based organization committed to the goal of keeping sport affordable and accessible to youth in our community, enabling anyone wanting to participate in an organized sport with the 

means and opportunity to do so.

Funding is provided two ways:

  • Directly to youth sport organizations to help keep participation affordable for all,

  • Through an application process to individual youth players to offset their registration fees.

gymnastics funding


Jumpstart helps kids between the ages of 4 to 18 by assisting with the costs associated with registration, equipment and/or transportation for sports and physical activity programming.

Applications for assistance can typically be submitted from January 15 to November 1, (varies by chapter) with the goal to be equitably distributed over Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter activities. The funding is distributed with a focus on maximizing the cost and length of participation per activity per child.

gymnastics funding


KidSport is a community based sport-funding program that provides grants for children 18 and under to participate in a sport season of their choice. There are 40 community chapters in BC and over 175 chapters across Canada.

With the help from dedicated corporate partners, KidSport works to fulfill its mission of eliminating the financial barriers to sport participation, ‘So ALL Kids Can Play!’

Gymnastics funding Athletics for Kids

Athletics for Kids (A4K)

A4K’s overarching goal is to be there to assist any B.C. child in their dream of playing amateur sports. In other words, we want all kids to have the opportunity to play.

The support of A4K is available province-wide for children ages 5 to 18 who are currently enrolled in school. Basic registration fees are paid for a multitude of approved sports, up to an annual maximum of $600 per child.

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